Institute for Combustion Technology (ITV)

ITV deals with the modelling and simulation of turbulent, reacting multiphase flows in energy conversion and nanoparticle processes.

About us

With about 20 scientific employees and students, the Institute for Combustion Technology of the University of Stuttgart conducts research on the fundamentals of modelling and simulation of turbulent, reacting flows in the areas of gas phase combustion, multiphase flows (gaseous/liquid and gaseous/solid) and nanoparticle processes. The teaching of ITV covers the fundamentals and advanced topics in combustion technology and simulation of reacting flow systems, as well as related programming basics.

For consultation hours see the ITV team page and choose the employee you would like to meet.

The list of currently available topics for Bachelor and Master theses can be found HERE.

Student theses

Available Praktika:

  • Bestimmung laminarer und turbulenter Nusselt-Zahlen für Rohrströmungen  - Nils Hartmann
  • Simulation des Turbulenzverhaltens eines umströmten Zylinders  - Jan W. Gärtner
  • Simulation turbulenter Flammen  - Sergio Gutiérrez

Registration via Campus.


Ricarda Schubert (

We offer to the students the opportunity to take part in the upcoming presentations of the student research projects and master theses at ITV and to receive proof of this (form "seminar lectures").


Tue, June 13    02:00 pm
Mert Göksel
"Carrier-phase direct numerical simulation of solid fuel particles in a turbulent reacting mixing layer"  (SRP defense)

Tue, Jul 4     02:00 PM
Jan Gärtner    
"Efficient and Scalable WENO Scheme for OpenFOAM"      
mock presentation   

Tue, Sep 12     02:00 PM
Sergio Gutiérrez
"A side stepping mixing method for Sparse-Lagrangian MMC-LES simulations"
mock presentation

Fri, Sep 15     02:00 PM
Anjul Pandey
"Effective collision radii for bidisperse systems in the free molecular regime"
mock presentation

Tue, Sep 19     02:00 P
Maximilian Karsch
"The effect of rotational diffusion on nanoparticle agglomeration"
mock presentation

Fri, Sep 22     02:00 PM
Tien Duc Luu
"Carrier-phase DNS of micron-sized iron particles in a turbulent reacting mixing layer"
mock presentation

Fri, Nov 10      03:00 PM
Nils Hartmann
"Simulation and Analysis of the Conditions Leading to the Micro-Explosion of Droplets"
Master defense

Mon, Dec 11   10:00 AM
Marvin Sontheimer
"Analysis of Sparse-Lagrangian Two-Phase Coupling Using Direct Numerical Simulation"
PhD presentation

Mon, Dec 11   03:00 PM
Laetitia Assaf
"Modelling of differential diffusion in MMC with Side Stepping"
Master defense 


Tue, Jan 09   02:00 PM
Xihe Wang
"A study of mixing time scales for a sparse particle method"
Master defense

Fri, Jan 26   04:00 PM
Yichong Zhou
"Fully-resolved simulations of homogeneous and heterogeneous ignition processes in solid fuel combustion"
Master defense

Tue, Feb 27   02:00 PM
Daniel Götte
"Simulation of the Near-Nozzle Injection Behavior of Ammonia Using a Multi-Hole Direct Injection Fuel Injector"
SRP defense

Wed, May 08 10:00 AM
Jan W. Gärtner
"Modeling and Simulation of Flash Evaporation of Cryogenic Liquid Jets"
PhD presentation

Tue, May 14 02:00 PM
Sarah Ott
"3D Verdunstungsmodellierung und -simulation in Spaltgeometrien"
Master defense

Mon, June 10 02:00 PM
Daniel Dias Loureiro
"Simulation and Modeling of Droplet Formation in Flash Atomization of Cryogenic Rocket Propellants"
PhD presentation

Tue, June 25   02:00 PM
Weitao Liu
"Sparse-Lagrangian MMC modelling of the Sandia ethylene sooting flame"
mock presentation

Fri, June 28   02:00 PM
Anjul Pandey
"Modelling collision frequencies and predicting bi-variate agglomerate size distributions for bi-disperse primary particle systems"
mock presentation

Tue, July 02   02:00 PM
Nadezhda Iaroslavtceva
"A consistent MMC-LES approach for turbulent premixed flames"
mock presentation

Fri, July 05   02:00 PM
Sergio Gutiérrez Sánchez
"Modelling differential diffusion using a Sparse-Lagrangian particle approach"
mock presentation

Tue, July 09   02:00 PM
Ali Shamooni Pour Dezfouli
"Carrier-phase direct numerical simulation and flamelet modeling of akali metal emissions from pulverized biomass flames"
mock presentation

PLACE: Pfaffenwaldring 31, Seminarroom ITV (V31.321), Tuesdays 02:00 - 04:00pm (occasionally Fridays 02:00 - 04:00pm)

We offer a Research Assistant (Ph.D.) (m/w/d) position - open until 17.05.2024:

Topic: Computational Fluid Dynamics  -- closed --

For further information see:

We offer an IT-Hiwi position.

You can find the job offer in German on our website:


Latest Publications and News


This image shows Andreas Kronenburg

Andreas Kronenburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Director of the Institute

This image shows Thorsten Zirwes

Thorsten Zirwes


Deputy director

This image shows Ricarda Schubert

Ricarda Schubert



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